Acetaia Borgo Castello
Talent that inspires
Know-how, passion and respect for the territory are the principles that guide Acetaia Borgo Castello on a daily basis which, has been producing Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PIG, condiments and glazes.
"The noble and ancient recipes blend with modern techniques and skills"

Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PIG is a real talent. Natural wonder modeled by man, where an essential role is played by nature: terroir, climate and alternation of the seasons. No less important part must be attributed to the technique and knowledge of the producer who knows how to raise it and express it to the fullest through aging in wood, conscious waiting and scrupulous control.

Strategic partner
Acetaia Borgo Castello follows the customer in all phases of the project.
Our mission is to be the perfect partner in the supply of our Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI and in the development of new dressings.
We work hand in hand with the customers to create a product that perfectly meets their expectations from all points of view, at every step of the process: from the creation of the most innovative recipe to the choice of the most suitable packaging and the proposal for packaging design and marketing materials.
Our Balsamic Vinegars
Thanks to the wide versatility of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and its natural propensity to encounter flavours, aromas and recipes from all over the world, Acetaia Borgo Castello has developed over the years an enormous variety of condiments and sauces with different recipes, ingredients and densities for an international customer.
The pride of bringing the taste of Balsamic Vinegar to tables all over the world and the desire to create an original product for each customer in line with its marketing objectives, are the engines of the company's great ability to innovate and re-interpret the basic ingredient.

Our certifications
Acetaia Borgo Castello is a member of the Consortium for the Protection of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena which in 2009 obtained the registration with the European Union of the denomination Balsmaic Vinegar of Modena as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).
The Consortium and its members undertake to monitor the market to defend against imitative products, to promote Balsamic Vinegar and its unique characteristics and also perform consultative functions at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Through its continuous protection and supervision activity in Italy and abroad, The Consortium protects consumers and producers from counterfeiting and italian sounding imitations. Our Balsamic Vinegars of Modena PGI are all certified by the Consortium based on the production method.
PGI certification
PGI certification guarantees that the Balsamic Vinegar of Modena has been produced in the Modena area with a minimum of 60 days of aging in wooden barrels. The certification is sealed by the PGI logo on the label.
PDO certification
The PDO certification guarantees that the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena has been produced in the province of Modena with a minimum of 12 years of aging in wooden barrels and final approval by the consortium. The certification is sealed by the PDO logo and the iconic and unique bottle designed by Giugiaro.

- about us -
Our Team
Our team will follow you in every step to create a unique and successful product: from research & development to market analysis, from packaging to product marketing, from production to quality control, from logistics to market distribution.